

Suely Rolnik
Creating body for life demands: notes on micropolitical combat

Vortrag / Lecture (in English)

Die vorherrschende Macht greift heutzutage stark in den mikropolitischen Bereich ein und schafft die finsteren Landschaften, in denen wir weltweit leben. Diese spezifische Art von Gewalt missbraucht die Lebenskraft der Biosphäre, deren Hauptaufgabe es ist, neue Spezies hervorzubringen, wann immer es für den Erhalt des Lebens auf der Erde notwendig ist. Der Mensch missbraucht seine kreative Schaffenskraft jedoch, indem er sie nicht mehr gemäss ihrer ethischen Bestimmung einsetzt. Es ist dringend notwendig, die durch diesen Missbrauch verursachten unbewussten Verletzungen rückgängig zu machen und die entstandenen Formationen im sozialen Bereich aufzugeben – und mit ihnen unsere Rollen und damit verbundenen Körper und Lebensstile. Dabei verschwimmen die Grenzen zwischen Kunst, Therapie und Politik.

Power today strongly intervine in the micropolitical sphere, producing the sinister landscape we are living all over the planet. Its specific type of violence consists in the abuse of the vital forces of the biosphere, whose essence is the creation of new forms, whenever it is needed for the perseveration of life. In human species, this means the abuse of creating drive, diverting it from its ethical destiny. It becomes urgent to undo the unconscious that has been structured by abuse, abandoning its formations in the social field and, with them, our characters in their scenes,  performing new characters, their bodies and their ways of living. In this process the boundaries between art, therapeutics and politics become indiscernible.

Brazilian psychoanalyst, writer and Full professor at PUC São Paulo. She obtained Bachelor and Master degrees in Sociology and Philosophy (Sorbonne Paris 8) and in Clinical Human Sciences (Sorbonne - Paris 7); a Clinical Ph.D (Sorbonne - Paris 7) and a Social Psychology Ph.D (PUC-SP). She authored many books and essays in diferent langages. Her books in German or English: Zombie Anthropophagie. Zur neoliberalen Subjektivität. (Turia + Kant: Vienna/Berlin, 2018), Archive mania (HatjCantz /Documenta 13, 2011) and, with Félix Guattari, Molecular Revolution in Brazil (Semiotext: NY, 2006). She is the creator of the Archive for a work-event, on Lygia Clark’s oeuvre (65 film interviews, 20 of which has been edit in France and Brazil). She is the translator in Portuguese of Deleuze and Guattari’s, Mille Plateaux (Ed. 34, 1997), among others.

In Collaboration with Dokumentartage Basel - It’s The Real Thing
Photo ©Flaviana Ox

MI 10.4. um 18.00
60 min
Tanzhaus Zürich

Melodies are so far my best friend (club version)

MI 10.4. um 21.00
Tür 20.00 / 60 min
Club Zukunft

Mathias Ringgenberg alias PRICE hinterfragt mit Melodies are so far my best friend Sprache und Handeln seiner Generation. Er stellt fest, dass die eigene Identität und eine oberflächliche Form der Sprache im Vordergrund stehen. Sprache wird vor allem als Ausdruck einer Maschinerie erlebt, die dem Kapitalismus dient. Mittels seiner Kunstfigur PRICE – ein Mischwesen, das dank seiner hybriden Eigenschaften unterschiedlichste Perspektiven einzunehmen vermag – nähert er sich diesen Symptomen. 

Durch die Begegnung in der Improvisation mit der Musikproduzentin Cecile Believe und dem Pianisten Sebastian Hirsig macht PRICE durch musik-performative Acts die Erfahrung des Dazwischen möglich und belebt den Raum mit den Fragen: Welches sind die Identitäten der Sprache heute? Und welches sind mögliche Identitäten durch Sprache?

With Melodies are so far my best friend, Mathias Ringgenberg alias PRICE questions the language and the actions of his generation. He establishes that individual identities and superficial use of language prevail. Language is primarily experienced as the expression of machines that serve capitalism. Ringgenberg approaches these symptoms by means of his fictional character PRICE – a hybrid creature that is capable of taking on a wide variety of perspectives.

Through his improvised encounters with music producer Cecile Believe and pianist Sebastian Hirsig, PRICE enables the inbetween to be experienced through performative musical acts and enlivens the space with the questions: What indentities does language have today? And which identities are made possible through language?

Performing Artist Mathias Ringgenberg aka PRICE, *1986 in Rio de Janeiro, lives and works in Zürich. In his current performative works called, Where Do You Wanna Go Today (Variations), Can’t say much about anything that’s new and the associated debut album Greatest Hits or his video performances A: I am impressed B: Well - I am in love, Home is a place we all have to find or You don’t touch it, it touches you, Mathias developed the fictional character PRICE. PRICE is a hybrid fictional character born from the sea of information, who explores the emotional disorientation of a generation having grown up with mass culture, neoliberalism and the omnipresence of the internet. By probing the mechanisms of pop, PRICE’s musical stories evoke instability, fear, and romantic disillusion.

artistic direction PRICE (Mathias Ringgenberg) music and performance PRICE music production Cecile Believe piano Sebastian Hirsig light and camera Mirjam Graf stage costume design in collaboration with BARRAGÁN dramaturgy Tom Engels movement research Isabel Lewis co-production Arsenic – Contemporary Performing Arts Center Lausanne, Tanzhaus Zürich, Life Long Burning EU This project is supported by Pro Helvetia, Swiss Cultural Foundation and Fondation Nestlé pour l'Art
Photo ©Reto Schmid